$MXBukkitLibConfiguration |
$MXBukkitLibConfiguration.$Events |
$MXBukkitLibConfiguration.$Events.$NetWork |
$MXBukkitLibConfiguration.$JVM |
$MXBukkitLibConfiguration.$Logger |
$MXBukkitLibConfiguration.$Update |
AbstractBaseLogger |
AbstractBukkitTranslate |
AbstractCommand |
AbstractCommandProvider |
AbstractExceptionProcessor |
AbstractLogger |
AbstractReplacer |
AbstractTranslate |
AccessToolkit |
Access Tools
AccessToolkitImpl |
ActuatorException |
AlignmentPrefixSupplier |
Fast petty prefix supplier
Ansi |
ANSI基本颜色, 从 bukkit 获取
AppendableCommandSender |
ArrayClassInfo |
ArrayReplacer |
AsymmetricEncryptor |
Attribute<T> |
AttributeKey<T> |
AttributeMap |
AuthenticationRemoteConnection |
AutoInstall |
The type annotation AutoInstall will load into ServiceInstaller
Base64Actuator |
BaseClassInfo |
BaseClassPool |
BaseCommandProvider |
BaseFieldInfo |
BaseMethodInfo |
BaseModifiable |
BasicEvalProcessor |
已过时。 |
BasicImageReader |
Bean |
BlowfishActuator |
BlowfishUtil |
BookAPI |
BTranslate |
BukkitCommand |
BukkitCommandConfig |
BukkitCommandConfig.BukkitCommandByNameConfig |
BukkitCommandExecutor |
A Bukkit Executor.
BukkitCommandMethodHandle |
BukkitCommandProcessor |
已过时。 |
BukkitCommandProvider |
BukkitCommandSender |
BukkitConfigurationProcessor |
BukkitDependChecker |
BukkitExecutorCommand |
BukkitHookedPluginOutput |
BukkitHookToolkit |
BukkitHookToolkit.PluginLoadEvent |
BukkitHookToolkit.PluginPreLoadEvent |
BukkitMessageFactory |
BukkitPluginMessageFactory |
BukkitPluginMessageSendEvent |
BukkitToolkit |
BukkitTranslate |
BukkitWrapScheduler |
BungeeChatAPI |
ByteBufferInputStream |
InputStream with ByteBuffer.
ByteBufferOutputStream |
OutputStream with ByteBuffer
ByteInputStream |
CacheCommandProviders |
Cancellable |
Cancellable event.
Chain<T,V> |
Chain.ChainContext<T,V> |
Chain.SingleChain<T,V> |
CharCompiler |
Compile chars.
ClassByteCodePool |
ClassInfo |
ClassLoaderGetter |
ClassLoaderPool |
ClassPathBuilder |
ClassPool |
ClassResourceLoader |
Used in found class byte code.
ClassResourceLoaders |
Used to found class byte code.
CmdFormatter |
CollectionsJsonWriter |
CommandBuilder |
Fast Create a command.
CommandException |
CommandHandle |
CommandParameter |
The parameter of command.
CommandParamParser |
CommandProvider |
The commands provider
CommandTabHandle |
CompeteException |
CompilationEvalProcessor |
CompilationEvalProcessor.Command |
CompilationEvalProcessor.CommandFactory |
CompilationEvalProcessor.CommandMnemonicFactory |
CompilationEvalProcessor.InvokeCode |
CompilationEvalProcessor.StackTrace |
CompressedResourceHeader |
A resource header for compressed resource.
CompressIndexes |
Index compressor.
ConfigEditor |
已过时。 |
Configuration |
Configuration |
ConfigurationProcessorPostLoadingMatcher |
ConfigurationProcessorPostLoadingMatcher.MatchRule |
ConfigurationSection |
ConstFormatter |
DataByteBuffer |
A DataInput/Output as ByteBuffer 使用ByteBuffer的数据流
DataDecoder<T> |
DataEncoder<T> |
DataHandler |
DataInputHandler |
DataOutputHandler |
DataPipeline |
DataProcessContext |
DecodeException |
Decompressor |
Entry point to decompress resources.
DefaultAttribute<T> |
DefaultAttributeMap |
DefaultAutoConfig |
DefaultCommand |
DefaultCommands |
DefaultDataPipeline |
DefaultFileListenerProvider |
DefaultFormatter |
DefaultParameterParser |
DefaultProcessContext |
Depend |
The depend system use.
DependChecker |
Use in Depend System.
EmptyJar |
EmptyStream |
EmptyTranslate |
A Empty translate.
EncodeException |
Encoder |
EncryptException |
EncryptionException |
Encryptor |
Encryptor.Decoder |
Encryptor.Encoder |
Environment |
EvalProcessorInvokingException |
Event |
MXLib's Event System.
EventHandler<T extends Event> |
EventTools |
ExceptionBiConsumer<T,O> |
ExceptionConsumer<T> |
FieldInfo |
FileChunkDataStorage |
FileChunkDataStorage.FileChunk |
FileListener |
A File listener. call by provider.
FileListenerProvider |
The FileListenerProvider.
FilesIterator |
A Iterator to visit file tree.
FilterIterator<T> |
FormatAction |
FormatAction.ActionGetKey |
FormatAction.ActionGetSlot |
FormatAction.ActionLink |
FormatAction.ActionStaticChars |
FormatAction.ActionStaticString |
FormatTemplate |
Formatter |
FunctionTranslate |
GsonHelper |
The Gson Helper.
GsonHelper.JsonSerializable |
GsonJsonWriter |
HandlerList<E extends Event> |
Event's handler list.
HandlerList.ErrorCatch |
HashEncryptor |
HelpTemplate |
HookedJarFile |
HookedJarFile.InputStreamResolver |
HookedJarFile.InputStreamSuppler |
HookedJarFile.JarStreamGetEvent |
HookedJarURLStreamHandler |
HookedPluginLoader |
HookToolkit |
HttpCallback |
The callback for http connection.
HttpClient |
Fast Http client util.
HttpHandler |
The Main Handler for HttpConnection
HttpHandlerAction |
Specify what should be done next
HttpHandlerAction.Type |
HttpInitializer |
Create at 2019/12/21 19:21
Copyright Karlatemp
MXBukkitLibRebuild $ cn.mcres.karlatemp.mxlib.network
IBeanManager |
一个BeanManager, 处理核心
IBukkitConfigurationProcessor |
IClassScanner |
ICommand |
ICommand |
ICommandConfig |
Command Config 命令配置
ICommandNestingConfig |
The Nesting Command.
ICommandProcessor |
ICommands |
Here is a command set for a command.
ICommands |
ICommandSender |
IConfigurationProcessor |
IEnvironmentFactory |
IEnvironmentFactory.IField<T> |
IEnvironmentFactory.IField.IFieldOnlyRead<T> |
IEnvironmentFactory.IField.IFieldOnlySet<T> |
IEvalProcessor |
IEvalProcessor.CompetedCode |
IEvalProcessor.Function |
IEvalProcessor.Function.Lambda |
IExceptionProcessor |
IExecutor |
IInjector |
IJsonWriter |
ILogger |
ImageHeader |
ImageLocation |
ImageReader |
ImageReader.Node |
ImageReaderFactory |
Factory to get ImageReader
ImageStream |
ImageStrings |
ImageStringsReader |
IMemberScanner |
类成员搜索器, 在BeanManager获取
IMessageFactory |
InlinePrintStream |
IObjectCreator |
快速构建一个对象, 在BeanManager获取
IPAddress |
A Address with SRV.
IParamRule |
IParamSorter |
IPermissible |
ItemStackComponent |
A Component as ItemStack.
IterableLink<E> |
A link of iterable.
IteratorSupplier<T> |
Java9StringFactory |
JsonBuilder |
Fast to create a map or list.
JsonConfiguration |
JsonFormattable |
LineWriter |
A Toolkit to write lines.
LinkedBukkitTranslate |
LinkedTranslate |
LoggerProvider |
MapBuilder<K,V> |
MapKeySet<V> |
Make a map to set
MapMapping<K,V> |
MArguments |
The arguments command invoke.
MCommand |
MCommandHandle |
MCommands |
MD5Actuator |
MemoryConfiguration |
MemoryConfigurationSection |
MessageDump |
MessageFactoryAnsi |
MessageFactoryBukkitCommandSender |
MessageFactoryImpl |
一个基础的工厂, 没有任何颜色
MethodInfo |
Metrics |
bStats collects some data for plugin authors.
Metrics.AdvancedBarChart |
Represents a custom advanced bar chart.
Metrics.AdvancedPie |
Represents a custom advanced pie.
Metrics.CustomChart |
Represents a custom chart.
Metrics.DrilldownPie |
Represents a custom drilldown pie.
Metrics.MultiLineChart |
Represents a custom multi line chart.
Metrics.SimpleBarChart |
Represents a custom simple bar chart.
Metrics.SimplePie |
Represents a custom simple pie.
Metrics.SingleLineChart |
Represents a custom single line chart.
MFormatter |
MinecraftKey |
MLabel |
MLocale |
MLogger |
MLoggerHandler |
Modifiable |
ModuleClassLoader |
Module Class Loader
MParameter |
Define a parameter.
MProvider |
The provider using.
MSender |
The value of command sender.
MTranslate |
MXBukkitLib |
MXBukkitLib核心类, 需要先执行
MXBukkitLibCommandsExecutor |
MXBukkitLibPluginStartup |
MXEventHandler |
MXEventListener |
Event listener
MXLib |
MXLibBootEvent |
MXLibBootProvider |
The provider.
MXScheduler |
MXTask<T> |
MXTaskState |
NamespaceToolkit |
The tools to get the MinecraftKey for Material.
NamespaceToolkitInternal |
NBTBase |
NBTCompound |
NBTCompressedStreamTools |
NBTList<T extends NBTBase> |
NBTNumber |
NBTPrinter |
NBTReadLimiter |
NBTTagByte |
NBTTagByteArray |
NBTTagCompound |
NBTTagDouble |
NBTTagEnd |
NBTTagFloat |
NBTTagInt |
NBTTagIntArray |
NBTTagList |
NBTTagLong |
NBTTagLongArray |
NBTTagShort |
NBTTagString |
NBTVisitor |
NBTWriter |
NetManager |
NetManager.HandlerSetter |
NettyHelper |
NettyHelper.MessageCallback<T> |
NettyPacketDecoder |
NettyPacketEncoder |
NetWorkManager |
NetWorkManager.NetWorkListener |
ObjectCreateException |
ObjectReflect<T> |
OverrideMethodInfo |
Packet<T extends Packet<T>> |
PacketDataSerializer |
PacketFormatter |
PacketLambda |
PacketProtocol |
PacketProtocolProvider |
PacketProvider |
PacketProviderException |
PacketProviderLink |
PacketSender |
The packet sender.
ParserFailToParseException |
PBootstrap |
PBootstrap.PCommand |
PCollectionPermission |
The collection access permissions
PermissibleCollection<E> |
The permission access check collection
PermissibleIterable<E> |
The permission access check iterable
PermissibleIterator<E> |
The permission access check iterator
PermissibleList<E> |
The permission access check list
PermissibleMap<K,V> |
Permission access check map
PermissibleSet<E> |
Permission access check set
PipelineUtils |
PluginAutoConfig |
Pointer<T> |
PowerScheduler |
Default implements for MXScheduler.
PrefixSupplier |
PrintingType |
PrintStreamLogger |
PrintStreamProvider |
ProhibitBean |
ProhibitType |
PropertiesConfiguration |
PunctuateFormatter |
RAFInputStream |
A input stream with RandomAccessFile
RAFOutputStream |
A output stream of RandomAccessFile
RawPacket |
The CustomPacket.
ReadPropertiesAutoConfigs |
Reflect<T> |
ReflectionPacketProvider |
RemoteClient |
RemoteConnection |
RemoteConnection.Status |
RemoteServer |
Net Work Server.
Renameable |
RenameableClassInfo |
RenameableFieldInfo |
RenameableMethodInfo |
Replacer |
Resource |
ResourceDecompressor |
JLink Image Decompressor.
ResourceDecompressor.StringsProvider |
ResourceDecompressorFactory |
JLink Resource Decompressor factory
ResourceDecompressorRepository |
JLink Decompressors.
ResourceKeyInvalidException |
ResourceLoader |
A Resource Loader.
ResourceLoaders |
Resource loader set
RField<O,R> |
RFieldHandle<O,R> |
RFieldImpl<O,R> |
已过时。 |
RMethod<O,R> |
RMethodHandle<O,R> |
RMethodImpl<O,T> |
RSAActuator |
RSAEncoder |
RSTester |
SafeList<T> |
SafeStringReader |
ScanException |
ServiceInstaller |
The service installer.
ServiceInstallers |
Service installers.
SharedBeanManager |
SharedClassScanner |
SharedCommandMethodHandle |
SharedCommandProcessor |
已过时。 |
SharedCommandProcessorImpl |
已过时。 |
SharedCommands |
SharedConfigurationCommandProcessor |
SharedConfigurationProcessor |
SharedEnvironmentFactory |
SharedInjector |
SharedMemberScanner |
SharedMXLibBootProvider |
The default boot provider
SharedMXLibBootProvider.AutoConfigurationProcessor |
SharedObjectCreator |
SharedParamSorter |
SignatureParser |
A descriptor parser used to extract java type strings from
UTF_8 descriptors.
SignatureParser.ParseResult |
SimpleClassInfo |
SimpleClassPool |
SimpleDataDecoder<T> |
SimpleDataEncoder<T> |
SimpleDataHandler<T> |
SimpleDataInputHandler<T> |
SimpleDataOutputHandler<T> |
SimpleFormatTemplate |
SimpleRenameableClassInfo |
StaticPool |
StringHelper |
StringSharingDecompressor |
A Decompressor that reconstructs the constant pool of classes.
StringSharingDecompressorFactory |
Constant Pool strings sharing Decompressor factory.
SymmetricEncryptor |
SystemTranslate |
The system translate.
Tester |
ThrowHelper |
return ThrowHelper.thrown(new Throwable("A checked throwable."));
TitleAPI |
Toolkit |
Toolkit.IO |
IO 数据操作
Toolkit.Reflection |
Toolkit.StackTrace |
Tools |
TranslateLoader |
A Loader to load translates.
TranslateLoader.ResourceParser |
TranslateReplacer |
TranslateResourceBundle |
Make MTranslate as ResourceBundle
UnclosedInputStream |
UnclosedOutputStream |
UnclosedReader |
A reader removed close()
UnclosedWriter |
A writer removed close()
UniqueKey<T extends UniqueKey<T>> |
Unsafe |
A collection of methods for performing low-level, unsafe operations.
UnsafeInstaller |
The unsafe install system.
UnsafeRawPacket |
URIActuator |
URLConnectEvent |
URLDecoder |
Utility class for HTML form decoding.
URLEncoder |
Utility class for HTML form encoding.
Version |
WrappedClassImplements |
Wrapped Abstract class.
WrappedClassImplements.MethodWrapperType |
WrappedClosable<T extends Closeable> |
WrappedDataInput |
WrappedDataOutput |
WrappedFileInputStream |
WrappedFileOutputStream |
WrappedFileReader |
WrappedFileWriter |
WrappedLogger |
Wrapped Logger.
WrappedObject<T> |
WrappedServerBuilder |
WrappedTranslate |
A wrapped translate
XOREncryptor |
YamlConfiguration |
YamlConfiguration.Loader |
YamlConfiguration.YWriter |
ZipDecompressorFactory |
ZIP decompressor factory