模块 mxlib.api

类 MLogger

  • public class MLogger
    extends Logger
    • 构造器详细资料

      • MLogger

        public MLogger​(@NotNull
                       @NotNull String name,
                       String resourceBundleName,
                       @NotNull ILogger logger)
        Protected method to construct a logger for a named subsystem.

        The logger will be initially configured with a null Level and with useParentHandlers set to true.

        name - A name for the logger. This should be a dot-separated name and should normally be based on the package name or class name of the subsystem, such as java.net or javax.swing. It may be null for anonymous Loggers.
        resourceBundleName - name of ResourceBundle to be used for localizing messages for this logger. May be null if none of the messages require localization.
        logger - The Logger of MXLib
        MissingResourceException - if the resourceBundleName is non-null and no corresponding resource can be found.