程序包 cn.mcres.gyhhy.MXLib.math.graph
接口概要 接口 说明 Distancer Point StraightLine -
类概要 类 说明 ABCStraightLine Ax + By + C = 0DoublePoint IntPoint KBStraightLine KB Straight Line
a straight line represented by a function.PointStraightLine Test VerticalStraightLine Vertical Straight Line 竖直的直线
This straight line NO has Y value 这条直线不存在y值
(This straight ingore Y-axis 这条直线忽略了Y值)
The point obtained by this line is only the Y value is different, X/Z is the same
通过这条直线获取的点只有 Y值 是不一样的, X/Z 是相同的